By Coach James Canning

At Elite Fitness our personal training clients are always wanting to know what the shortcuts are to losing weight, specifically losing fat.

The number 1 question from our clients is:

“Are there any shortcuts to losing weight and getting to my weight loss goals quicker?”

The obvious answer is NO. But you would be wrong.

The answer is actually YES. 

The problem is most people looking for weight loss believe the shortcuts are one of the following:

  • Detox juices

  • Supplements such as L-Carnitine and fat burners

  • Very low calorie diets

  • Specific exercises 

  • Low Carb Diets

  • Low Fat diets

  • Jogging

    The list is endless when it comes to some of the nonsense we have heard over the last 3 years at Elite Fitness. The people of Abu Dhabi are no different from the 100s of personal training clients we have trained from across the world. Everyone wants shortcuts to their fat-loss goals.

    So when I sit and explain to our clients that there are 3 shortcuts that work 100% of the time for every single client who has ever used them, they don’t believe me.

    So here are the 3 shortcuts we have seen work 100% of the time and if you apply them will get you to your goal quicker than any supplement, strange diet or weird workout program that promises results in only 30 minutes. 

Shortcut 1:

Change your lifestyle to match your goals. If you want to lose X amount of fat then you cannot have the same lifestyle, habits, behaviors and thoughts. You must become a new person.

At Elite Fitness we make this 100% clear to all our personal training clients. The way to take a Shortcut to a quick weight loss result is to sit and plan how your lifestyle will change. Just joining a gym does not guarantee results. Paying for a personal trainer also does not guarantee results or a quicker path to your goals.

You must become crystal clear on what days and time you will go to the gym. How are you going to structure your nutrition and how will you fit this into your life. If you have children and a busy workload already then how will you navigate around this already busy schedule. If you have a busy social life.

In my 10 years experience this is where most people fail. They are not willing to accept the changes needed to get the result they desire. But I promise you that if you can change your lifestyle to match your goals, you will time collapse how long it takes to get the result you are looking for.

Shortcut 2:

Nutrition is 100% of the result, not 80% or even 90%. So you want a shortcut? This is it. You must focus on your nutrition 7 days per week. Get a nutrition plan and stick to it 7 days per week.  If you are cheating at the weekend then you can forget a quick result. You are just hitting the big re-set button every time you have a cheat weekend by over consuming calories.

 Every meal should move you towards your fat loss goal. You must create a calorie deficit by reducing calories from food and also increasing your physical activities.

Now, don’t fall into the healthy food trap. Healthy foods can derail you just the same as other so called unhealthy foods. Calories must be controlled over the days, weeks and months. Sounds strict and intense.

It should be. You got to where you are from being lazy with your eating habits. It’s time to get strict with the food you are putting in your mouth. This shortcut is powerful and should be simple but is very difficult to execute. Just remember nutrition for fat-loss is different from nutrition for health. Don’t get the 2 mixed up.  

Shortcut 3:

Get a structured progressive resistance training program that has you laser focused every time you walk in the gym. Let me be very clear. There are no fat burning exercises. There are no special fat loss programs. Only hard work and effort. 

So forget about burpees or box jumps. Let me also clear up that just because you got a good sweat on. Does not mean you are losing more fat. Your training program is to build muscle, Increase strength, improve fitness and overall health and well being. Not for burning fat or calories.

This is another point we make 100% clear to our personal training clients at Elite Fitness.

Now the shortcut comes in training when you put 100% effort into every rep, set and exercise with excellent technique. At Elite Fitness we design individualized training programs that progress every 4 weeks. We know that choosing exercises and how to train in the gym can be confusing. Luckily at Elite we have expert coaches who design your training and nutrition. 

So when it comes to fat-loss these are the 3 shortcuts I know work 100% of the time for every single client who has ever applied them. So Yes, there are shortcuts to fat-loss but they require you to be consistent, committed and have control within all 3 areas.