Change your goals from weight loss to health and well-being

It’s that time of year again that everyone starts to commit to some new goals. Setting goals are great but only if you have really though them through and are fully committed to them.

The fitness industry and personal training usually gets a huge increase in new clients due to the New Year trend of many people wanting to lose weight and get back in shape.

The festive holidays is usually the time when many will overindulge in food and slack on their diet and training.

The question is always: why do so many people fail by the start of February?

Most people will fail because they have set an empty goal. Most people will tell themselves ”I want to lose weight” without understanding the process and length of time it will take to get there.

Many people are quick to pull out their credit card and pay for a new gym membership or even invest in a personal trainer.

That’s the easy part.

What we know from training 1,000s of weight loss clients here at Elite Fitness is that it takes most clients 6-12 months to reach their desired weight loss and health goals.

Abu Dhabi is no different from other parts of the world where most people think and expect to reach their goals in a month. Short-term ism is unfortunately fueled by the influencers and fakers on social media .

Their expectations are way above the actual reality due to what they see from these social influencers.

This is where our Elite Fitness expert coaches come into their own.

We explain carefully whats required and how long their journey will take.

Elite Fitness is the only facility in Abu Dhabi that offers unlimited personal training. However, we still take time to explain the importance to the client that changing lifestyle and nutrition is the key to the client reaching their weight loss goals.

Not the exercise program.

The exercise program is for building strength, fitness and lean muscle tissue.

The change in lifestyle and nutrition habits are what really transforms someones health, well-being and body shape.

However, this will only be achieved when the person focuses less on the outcome (losing 20kg) and more

on changing their identity.

Changing your identity is all about changing behaviours, habits and beliefs around the lifetsyle, nutrition and exercise.

This is why most people fail to ever reach their weight loss goals. Or for the few that make it to their weight loss goals they never manage to maintain it.


They do not focus on who they want to become long term.

If you set your goals to improving your health and well-being then you will see that there is no finish line.

You don’t stand on the scale one day and reach a magical body weight and stop.

This is the importance of changing your goals to health and well-being. If you do this you will see healthy eating and exercise as life long endevours.

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James CanningElite Fitness